Swansea Ramblers walked in a lovely area of countryside not often visited due to the poor condition of the stiles. We have been discussing these problems with the council and hope they will soon replace the stiles to make it easier for the public to enjoy a great walk between the communities of Bishopston and Killay.
We set off from the Beaufort Inn and visited Bishopston Church before entering Barland Common for the walk northward. We had a short coffee break then continued on our way to Blackhills and the Wildflower cafe where we had coffee and cakes then looked around the wonderful garden centre.
Our return journey south was over a number of dilapidated stiles, some of which were in a very dangerous condition. Nevertheless, some thought this walk was one of the best they had been on and everyone enjoyed the day out.
To finish, we had refreshments in the Beaufort Inn to thank them for allowing us to park there. Sitting in the sunshine in the beer garden, we thought, Gosh! Isn't this walking lark difficult! - NOT
Swansea Ramblers offer a range of walks for most abilities.
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