Ramblers Cymru Logo Image of Countryside
Swansea Ramblers Logo
at the heart of walking


About Swansea Ramblers

Who are Swansea Ramblers?

Swansea Ramblers are people like you who enjoy walking and socialising!

We are part of Ramblers GB, a national walking charity.
(Our charitable aims can be viewed on the above link)

Ramblers GB describe our charity as:

"The Ramblers is a charity whose goal is to protect the ability of people to enjoy the sense of freedom and benefits that come from being outdoors on foot.  

We're an association of people and groups who come together to both enjoy walking and other outdoor pursuits and also to ensure that we protect and expand the infrastructure and places people go walking".

Membership makes a difference for everybody who walks

Unlike many other walking groups, Ramblers work to ensure footpaths remain open and useable.

We undertake practical path maintenance work with Swansea Council and pursue issues that affect the use and enjoyment of paths.

By law, the local authority has to notify Ramblers of any legal requests to divert or extinguish registered footpaths.

Even if you never join a group walk with Swansea Ramblers, membership of our group means you are supporting our work protecting the Rights of Way network that you enjoy.

We're about YOU

Some people think Ramblers are all about head-down, fast walking across miles of mountainous countryside!!

(- and for some of our members, this may be walking heaven!)

In reality, Swansea Ramblers provides a lot of weekly, easier short walks and we are about being as inclusive as we can for ALL abilities and walking preferences.

  • We welcome beginners to walking by providing easier walks of about 1-2 hours
  • We also have those longer all-day walks for the more energetic

So have a look below at the range of walks we do and you should find a type of walk you’ll like.  

You are always more than welcome to come on any of our walks and see if Swansea Ramblers is for you.  We'll look forward to meeting you.

If you're thinking about giving walking a try but feel you don't know anybody or you won't fit in - don't worry!

Our friendly group of walkers will make you feel welcome and one of the group.

Come along - you'll soon meet new friends and enjoy the fun of walking.

Dogs on walks

Many people ask us if their dog can join us on a walk.  A number of our members own dogs and it varies from walk to walk whether a dog can come along.

The leader will have made a judgement based on terrain and proximity to livestock and will have stated in the walk description either 'Dogs on short leads' or if generally unsuitable for dogs will state 'Registered Assistance Dogs Only' (we're not allowed to state just 'No Dogs' because of the Disability Discrimination Act).

Where the leader says that dogs can come along, we ask that they remain on a non-extendible short lead at all times.  The short lead is essential because we've had situations when dogs weave in and out of people, leading to them tripping up as a result.

Social events

These include events such as meals out and coach trips.  This is another great way to meet and get to know your fellow walkers in Swansea Ramblers.

Details of upcoming socials are emailed to members and prove to be a very popular membership benefit.  In addition, the social aspect continues after most of our walks when we visit a nearby pub and this also supports the local economy.

Weekends away

Every year, we usually have at least one walking weekend away and we email details of these to our members.  These are very popular events and book up quickly.  Also, we occasionally have a foreign walking holiday.

Programme of walks

We have long, medium & short walks to suit most tastes.

We are definitely not about 'head-down walking'!

We are out to enjoy the countryside and the friendships we make on the way.

The summer programme runs from April to September

The winter programme covers October to March

Your annual membership gives you access to walks every week of the year.

There are about 200 Swansea Ramblers' walks during that time, so you're sure to find the right one for you!

Whether you are looking to spend an hour walking, to go on a half day stroll, to do a walk in easy territory or an all day hike in the mountains, we provide walks for all tastes.
(and not just around Swansea and Gower but all over the South Wales area).

If you read about a walk you fancy but are unsure if it meets your level of fitness, why not ring the leader and ask?

Beginner's walks

These are occasional gentler walks for people to try out walking but are also popular with our regular members who enjoy getting out and about with their fellow Ramblers.   They range from 2-4 miles, (that's about 1-2 hours) and provide the opportunity to try walking with a group.  These may take place on any day of the week (or summer evening) when offered by one of our volunteer leaders.

Evening walks

These are also around 2-4 miles (about 1-2 hours) and normally in the summer to take advantage of the longer daylight.   These are well supported and are not only a great way to unwind after a hard day's work but give more beginners the chance to try walking for the first time.

Saturday walks (long and short)

Every week of the year there is a Saturday short walk of around 6 miles (about 3 hours).
These are a great way to begin exploring the countryside in the company of a social and friendly group of people who together want to see what the countryside has to offer.

Many new members start with these walks and we regularly have about 30 people keen to see the great outdoors and to meet up again with their fellow walkers.
Occasionally we have a longer Saturday walk in addition to the regular short Saturday walk.

Sunday walks (long and short)

If you're looking for a more strenuous, all-day walk, we usually have a weekly walk.  These visit, among many other places, the Brecon Beacons but can go all over South Wales in search of the walking experience you only get on a longer walk.

Occasionally, we also have a short or medium walk on a Sunday.  The mileage can vary but can be between 2-8 miles.

Midweek walks

We offer most weeks of the year a midweek walk that varies in length.  These are often held on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.  They offer a great day out.

Rail walks and Project walks

We occasionally catch a train to do linear walks between stations.

We also have completed a number of project walks that are done in stages over a period of time and these have included:

  • The Gower Way (from the north of Swansea to Rhossili)
  • Offa's Dyke (Chepstow to Prestatyn)
  • Pembrokeshire Coast Path (north to south)
  • Pembrokeshire Coast Path (south to north)
  • Wye Valley Trail (the River Wye from its source to the sea)

Finally - Our history and our future

Swansea Ramblers was set up in 1981 by a group of enthusiasts who wanted a different walking experience to what was available at the time.

In those days, Swansea was part of the County of West Glamorgan so we adopted the name 'West Glamorgan Ramblers'.

A subsequent change to local authority boundaries created the 'City and County of Swansea' but we carried on with the old name until October 2010 when it was decided to adopt the more meaningful title of 'Swansea Ramblers'.

Our membership has changed over the years but our leaders are always committed to providing good walks in beautiful countryside that many people would never get to see by themselves.

We are one of the fastest growing Ramblers groups and our success is down to the enjoyment people find when they walk with us and make new friends.

We will continue to increase the number and variety of walks and the opportunities to socialise in order to maintain Swansea Ramblers as the natural choice for people looking to experience the 'Great Outdoors'.

Come and walk with us today! You won't regret it!

Swansea Ramblers is part of the Ramblers GB
Ramblers' Association is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Company registration number: 4458492. A registered charity in England & Wales, no: 1093577. Registered office: The Ramblers, First Floor, 10 Queen Street Place, London EC4R 1BE.

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