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Swansea Ramblers Logo
at the heart of walking


Swansea Ramblers Walk

Cefn Bryn

16th May 2022

Leader: Clive Scott

Clive braved the rain forecast to lead 6 intrepid walkers on a lovely 4-mile walk in the dry!  This was one of the short walks that take place occcsionally on Mondays.

Swansea Ramblers offer a range of walks for most abilities.

Try an easy walk of 2-3 hours or our longer strenuous mountain walks for the experienced walker.

Maybe you'd like to explore walking for the first time with a friendly group of people?
- Come with Swansea Ramblers!

If you'd like to try a Swansea walk then do come along and find out what the great outdoors is all about.

It won't cost you anything to come along and see if walking is for you.
You'll be very welcome to join us for three free walks.

If you enjoy walking with us and want to come on even more of our walks, just become a member.

When you join us for a Swansea Walk, ask us about the other walks and social events we do.


Photograph of Walking Route - Image 1
Leader Clive Scott

Photograph of Walking Route - Image 2
Lunch stop on Cefn Bryn overlooking Oxwich

Photograph of Walking Route - Image 3
Seven Ramblers enjoyed a lovely day out

Photograph of Walking Route - Image 4
What a view for lunch!

Photograph of Walking Route - Image 5
And no rain!

All photographs Copyright  Clive Scott 2022
All rights reserved

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